Spirituality in Care is an interesting subject but a difficult area to Audit where it complicates the quantifying part. What also makes it harder is that Spirituality is very individual in nature and cannot have a gold standard definition.
Only 2 days have been ticked off of the scheduled 2 weeks. It still sounds more or less vague on how we are going to assess the Audit report and presentation. Presentation.....ohhh...the worrying part for me :(
And, I am in Portsmouth for the second time for IPL. Something I never expected or wanted. Hmm...
I love to write more about this Spirituality in Care, but probably sometime later, as I am tied up with so many things to do at the moment. Sorry for not showing up on your blogs, I will do soon. Thanks and Take care!
we are eager to read that ...
thats a lot of busy schedule...u tc of the things saranya ...its ok take ur time to come by...:)...dont stress to much ..
good luck!!!:).......[are marks/grades alloted?]
I hate presentations too. Best of luck:)
wow saranya it seems kinda interesting in a challenging sorta way!
good luck with it! and i know u would come out on top!
Jamal: will do write soon...
Hemu: thanks a lot hemu...I'm still a bit busy..
Brocasarea: Yeah, this is one of the components of this year and should be passed. And this component alone holds 3 different assignments.
Kumi: Join the club ;) thanks.
Sudi: Yeah it is challenging..thanks a lot hun. Hope u r well.
it's nice that it turned out to be interesting..
Hope, your presentation had gone pretty well..
Yeah the presentation went well :) thanks aneesh!
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