Tuesday 7 June 2022

Life goes on...

 So I am back here after 4 years and god so much has changed. So much. Family has grown, moved places and found a path in career (until/unless I change my mind). I am sitting in my mum's place and writing this whilst maternity leave has officially started. I don't even know if anyone is going to read or follow this but feeling nostalgic being back here writing a blog post. It has been ages. There used to be a time when I allocated time to write blog posts and go around reading others' and commenting etc. Then priorities changed and timings became tighter.

As years go by and we age, we become wiser. I am not sure if I am wiser or not but I definitely worry less about what others think or would want of me. I have realised that making others happy is not the priority or the role of my life. I have also realised I am not obliged to explain anyone all the time why I am not meeting 'their' expectations. And, I don't expect anyone to do the same. Spending time worrying about how to make others happy will not add any value to your life.  I'm not saying I have mastered this but trying to learn not to. Does it sound selfish ? I don't know, but if worrying is taking your peace away , then it's not worth it.

Take care 

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New season

 I cannot believe I made it back in here for the second time this year.  My new baby is playing/about to cry sort of state in the background...